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Library Policies

Library Policies
Library services are available to all currently registered students, faculty, and staff of the University of Hawaiʻi System. A valid UH System ID Card is required to borrow circulating books and to request materials from the Reserves, Hawaiʻi & Pacific Reference, media, and journal backfile collections.

Persons who are not associated with the University of Hawaiʻi and who are at least 18 years old may apply to purchase a Community User library card that will entitle them to limited library services as listed on this chart (PDF).

Borrowing Books and Other Materials

Use the Kapiʻolani CC Library Search to find the Location and Call Number of the books you need, then locate the books on the shelf and bring them to the Circulation Counter with your Kapiʻolani CC ID Card. Most Library Collections can be borrowed, but some books are non-circulating and can only be used in the library.

Circulating books normally may be borrowed for 28 days. However, items in certain high-demand collections have 14-day loan periods or less. Please confirm the loan period for all materials by reading the date stamped on the Date Due slip in each book borrowed. Login before the due date to your Library Account to request Renewal of books you have borrowed.

In general, Kapiʻolani CC library follows the Circulation Policy (PDF) established by the Libraries of the University of Hawaiʻi System.

Returning Borrowed Materials

Borrowed books may be returned to a staff member at the Circulation Counter, or through the indoor book drop slot under the Book Return sign at the Circulation Counter. After hours, books may be returned through the outside book drop on the right side of the main entrance.

Overdue Fines

As of August 2, 2021, Kapiʻolani CC Library follows the UH System Libraries Policy on Loans, Fines, and Fees. Please note especially:

  • Most standard books, with loan periods of 28 days, 3 months, or 6 months, do not accrue fines.
  • Fines for non-standard items are computed on a daily basis, including weekends and holidays. For Reserve items and scheduled items, fines are computed on an hourly basis, including weekends and holidays. There is no grace period.
  • "Non-standard items" include: recalls, reserves, audiovisual media, special collection materials.
  • Special permission loans and loans from special collections: $.50 per day, per item.
  • Recall Fines: $.50 per day, per item.
  • Reserve Fines: $1.00 per hour or fraction thereof.
  • Media Fines: $1.00 per day, per item.
  • Special Collection Fines $.25 per day, per item.
  • Audiovisual and Reserve items must be returned to the library from which they were borrowed by the date and time indicated.
  • Fines for overdue items are assessed every day (hourly for Reserve items) including weekends and holidays.
  • Your borrowing privilege is suspended whenever the amount you owe to the Library totals $10 or more.

Overdue fines are due and payable upon return of the overdue books. If fines are not paid when the overdue books are returned, the fine will be posted in the student's record in the College's Business Office. Registration for future semesters will not be permitted, and grades, graduation certificates, degrees, and transcripts will not be issued until all library fines are paid.

Lost Books

A borrowed library item is automatically marked as LOST by the library system 40 days after the due date for Standard and Special Collection items, 10 days after the due date for Reserves and A/V Media items, and 20 days after the due date for Recalled items.

The replacement fee is priced according to the library’s online record or as a flat fee of $60, plus a non-waivable $10.00 processing fee and the $10.00 accumulated overdue fine (if applicable). The replacement fee may be waived at the library's discretion if the book is returned in good condition within one year of its lost status. If not paid, the charges will be added to the student's record in the Business Office, resulting in the same sanctions listed above.

The resources and services provided by the library are designed to support Kapiʻolani CC students, faculty, staff and members of the general public in their scholarly endeavors. The library is committed to administering its policies in a fair and equitable manner.

General Rules of Conduct

  1. Library Users must speak quietly while in the library and must not engage in any activity or type of behavior that inhibits the use of the library by others.
  2. Library Users must turn off their pagers and/or cell phones prior to entering the library.
  3. Library Users must not interfere with a library staff member's performance of his or her duties.
  4. The Library provides pay telephones for the use of Library Users. Library Users may not use staff telephones.
  5. Library Users must not verbally or physically abuse, intimidate, or harass anyone while in the library. Display of sexually explicit images or sounds where others can see or hear them may create a hostile environment and could consitute sexual harassment according to University of Hawaiʻi Policy E2.210 (PDF).
  6. Library Users may not engage in overt sexual behavior.
  7. Children under the age of thirteen may not be left unattended for any period of time. Library staff will promptly contact parents of unattended children or notify campus security and/or juvenile authorities.
  8. Library Users must either return or renew a borrowed library item before the item's loan period has expired. The patron must also return a borrowed item if requested to do so by a library staff member. Library Users must not take from the library any item, resource, equipment or property that they have not borrowed or for which they have not received prior authorization to take with them.
  9. Library Users must not conceal any library item or resource so as to prevent other Library Users from using that item or resource.
  10. Library Users must be careful when using a library item, resource, or property.
  11. Library Users must not intentionally deface or otherwise damage the library item, resource, or property.
  12. Library Users must not mark, underline, remove or fold pages or portions of pages, remove binding, or affix post-it notes and attach paper clips to a library item.
  13. Library Users must not vandalize the library building or its furniture and equipment, including the library's computer systems, network, programs and data. To do so would be a violation of Hawaiʻi State Law, and the library will prosecute any violators to the full extent of the law.
  14. Library Users must abide by the University of Hawaiʻi Policy on Acceptable Use of University Computer and Information Resources (PDF).
  15. Library Users must comply with applicable intellectual property laws, including U.S. Copyright Law.
  16. Library Users must not consume any food or beverage within the library with the exception of water enclosed in a sealable container. The library reserves the right to inspect all drinking containers to ensure compliance.
  17. The use of tobacco products or betel nuts in the library or within the breezeway area at the entrance to the library is strictly prohibited. See UH Tobacco Products Policy for additional information.
  18. Library Users must not spit in the library's environs.
  19. Library Users are solely responsible for their personal property.
  20. Library Users must not enter restricted areas of the library. Such areas are clearly marked as restricted to access only by authorized library personnel.
  21. Library Users must leave the library at closing and during emergency situations, such as fire drills.
  22. Bicycles, mopeds and scooters are to be parked in designated areas. These items may not be secured to handrails or posts meant to assist the disabled.
  23. Library Users must not use roller blades, skateboards, and skates within the library.
  24. With the exception of service animals as defined in Title II, 35.136 (PDF) of the Americans with Disabilities Act and on-duty police dogs, animals are not permitted in the library unless otherwise authorized by the library manager or designee. Service animal means any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability.
  25. Animals may not be left fastened to handrails or posts outside of the library while the owner/caretaker is inside the building.
  26. Library Users may not carry firearms or other deadly weapons, including explosive devices, into the library.

Violation of Rules of Conduct

The purpose of the conduct policy is to inform you of your responsibilities. We encourage you, as a patron, to consider not only your needs, but also the needs of others. If you witness a violation, please bring it to the attention of the Library staff. We will immediately report all incidents to the appropriate authorities.

Anyone who violates these Rules may be asked to leave the library. In addition, the library may prohibit the violator from accessing the library and its resources and services in the future.

Violators risk being suspended or dismissed from the College, and risks being prosecuted under applicable city, state and federal laws. This Policy supplements the University of Hawaiʻi Student Conduct Code and other UH system policies.

Kapiʻolani Community College Library Collection Development & Management Policy

Last reviewed and updated: 2020-05-15

The Library & Learning Resources Unit mission statement [1] supports the vision of Kapiʻolani Community College [2] to "prepare students to meet rigorous baccalaureate requirements and personal enrichment goals" by providing an innovative environment for learning and research.

The Library serves a community of students, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds and prior educational experiences [3], including Native Hawaiian, local, national, and international students, recent high school graduates, non-traditional, and returning students.

The purpose of this Collection Development and Management Policy is to outline the collecting responsibilities and priorities of the Kapiʻolani Community College Library. Our primary goal is to develop and maintain cost-effective print, electronic, and multimedia collections that support the learning, teaching, creative, and research needs of students and faculty. This policy will be reviewed every 5 years or as needed.

Books and other materials in the Library are divided into different collections [4] located in various areas throughout the building. All items can be used in the Library, and most books can be borrowed. We also subscribe to electronic books and databases that are available online from computers in the Library, and from computers off-campus for Kapiʻolani Community College users.

Our collections support the curricula of a two-year community college offering programs of study [5] in Liberal Education; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM); Business Education; Culinary Education; Health Education; Hospitality and Tourism Education; and Legal Education. Collecting emphases include Kapi‘olani Community College’s Areas of Excellence and materials having to do with Hawai`i.

The Library does not aim for comprehensiveness in any subject or format. We follow the appropriate Association for College and Research Libraries Guidelines for University Library Services to Undergraduate Students [6], collecting at the Research Libraries Group Conspectus Collection Level 3: Study or Instructional Support Level [7]. For research needs beyond this collection level, materials may be obtained from other UH campus libraries through IntraSystem Loan [8].

The Library adds materials to our collections according to criteria that include, but are not limited to the following:

General selection criteria:

  • Relevance and support for the College's curriculum
  • Relevance and significance to existing Library collections
  • Appropriate level, scope, and content
  • Accuracy, comprehensiveness, and depth
  • Currency and timeliness
  • Cost
  • Demand

Additional criteria for electronic resources:

  • Level of content and full-text coverage
  • Usability and features of interface
  • Licensing and authentication for remote access
  • Technical support, administrative functions, and usage statistics

Materials in the Library's Collections may be removed if they no longer meet these criteria.

Recommendations [9] for new materials from Kapiʻolani Community College faculty and students are strongly encouraged. With some exceptions, the Library does not purchase multiple copies.

The Library subscribes to the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights [10] and Freedom to Read [11] statements. If users have complaints or questions regarding an item in the collection, they may submit a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials (PDF) [12].

The criteria above are the primary considerations when making selection decisions. If content is available in multiple formats, the Library also considers whether a particular format provides significantly better access to the information. Format compatibility with the Library’s existing technology as well as the technology commonly available to our users is an important factor.

Textbooks and Study Guides: When funds are available, the Library purchases one copy of select high-demand textbooks from the Kapiʻolani Community College Bookstore. Exceptions include workbooks and textbooks that require an interactive digital access program (IDAP). Instructors may place textbooks on Reserve [13] in the Library for use by their students. Workbooks and selected career preparation exams appropriate to Kapiʻolani Community College programs may be purchased on a limited basis.

Print Periodicals and Newspapers: With some exceptions, print periodicals are kept for 2 years (the current year plus 1 previous year). Periodicals are not bound. Print periodical subscriptions are reviewed as needed.

The Library welcomes gifts that support the instructional programs of the College and meet our selection criteria above, following UH Administrative Procedure A8.620 (PDF) [14]. Major gifts must be approved by the Head Librarian. A copy of the Library's Gift Material Acceptance Form and a statement listing the number of items are available upon request.

Gifts are accepted with the understanding that materials are not automatically added to the Library's collections, and that final disposition of all donated materials is at the Library’s discretion. Appraisal of gifts for tax purposes is the responsibility of the donor. The Library does not accept temporary deposits of gift items.

[1] Library & Learning Resources Unit Mission Statement

[2] Kapiʻolani Community College Mission Statement

[3] Kapiʻolani Community College: At a Glance

[4] Library Collections

[5] Programs of Study

[6] Guidelines for University Library Services to Undergraduate Students

[7] American Library Association, Subcommittee on Guidelines for Collection Development. 1989. Guide for written collection policy statements. Chicago, IL: Author. See "Collection levels: codes, labels, and definitions, Figure 1" pp. 8-9.

[8] IntraSystem Loan

[9] Recommendation for Library Materials

[10] Library Bill of Rights

[11] The Freedom to Read Statement

[12] Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials (PDF)

[13] Reserve Materials for a Course

[14] UH Administrative Procedure A8.620 (PDF)

Last Updated: Aug 30, 2024 7:16 PM