SOS Workshop in partnership with our KCC Financial Aids Office
Description: Join us to learn more about how your financial aid awards will be paid out to you. This workshop will help you better understand how and when your financial aid will be disbursed and what happens after that.
Presenter: Ku'ulei (Ku'u) Pereira (Financial Aid Office Counselor)
Phone: (808) 734-9558
Kekaulike Center – Financial Aid Office; ʻIlima 102
4303 Diamond Head Road
Honolulu, HI 96816
email at
UH File Drop
(808) 734-9537 during our office hours.
via Fax at (808) 734-9896
Dropbox located on campus at the Kekaulike Center in ʻIlima 102
Mail: Letters, forms, and other documents may be mailed to our office. Include your full name, UH ID number, and signature. Address all submissions to this office as follows:
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