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The Paralegal Profession

Legal Education program: find out more about us

The Legal Education program offers two primary credentials: a two-year A.S. degree in Paralegal, and a one-year Certificate of Achievement in Paralegal. Find out more about both, and also how to use the A.S. in Paralegal as a stepping stone to a bachelor's degree, and even how to go on to law school, at our resources page here: https://guides.library.kapiolani.hawaii.edu/paralegal

Paralegals may not provide legal services directly to the public except as permitted by law.  Paralegals work with attorneys in private law offices, government agencies, and businesses with legal departments to provide legal services. Only licensed attorneys can practice law by themselves. 

Prerequisite courses for the A.S. in Paralegal

Program requirements for the Certificate of Achievement

Important Hawaii government links

Hawaii State Legislature’s website: https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov

The Hawaii Judiciary’s website: https://www.courts.state.hi.us

The Hawaii state Executive branch website: https://portal.ehawaii.gov

The City & County of Honolulu’s website: https://honolulu.gov

Other Hawaii Resources

Sign up for Civilbeat.org’s “Morning Beat” for links to daily articles on government in Hawaii: https://www.civilbeat.org/#subscribe-now

Election information

Hawaii elections


Want to know how to register to vote? Where to vote? Even how to vote? The official Office of Elections website has the answers: https://elections.hawaii.gov


This page on the free Civil Beat website is a collection of current and past information on Hawaii elections, including who is running and what ballot issues (Hawaii constitutional amendments, county charter amendments) are on the ballot.


ConCon 2018:

Background information on the most recent Constitutional Convention ballot question: http://www.civilbeat.org/2017/12/preparing-for-hawaiis-next-constitutional-convention-vote


Hawaii ConCon Clearinghouse website (info and potential timeline, including pro and con articles):

Meet KCC Paralegals!

Nationwide Resources

The United States Constitution podcasts (Washington Post). This is an excellent series of podcasts on specific legal rights in our constitutional law, including race, gender, nationality, love, war, and privacy.

American Bar Association Legal Tech Resources Center

ABA Journal – Legal Ethics

SCOTUS Blog (latest news on the US Supreme Court)

Sui Generis (articles on law in social media)

The BLAWG Hall of Fame (A “blawg” is a blog on legal topics) - find legal topics to suit your interests) the top 100 blawgs as selected by the American Bar Association

Bloomberg Law podcast

Limited License Legal Technician initiatives in other states

What are Limited License Legal Technicians (a NEW type of legal profession!)


Individual state information (last updated spring 2023).
See the Allied Legal Professionals site for further updates: https://iaals.du.edu/projects/allied-legal-professionals


Colorado: In 2023, the Colorado Supreme Court has adopted rules for Licensed Legal Professionals (LLPs) who will be able to practice in certain types of family law matters, such as divorce, custody, and protection orders.  


Utah: The first Utah Licensed Paralegal Practitioners started in 2019 and you can find current information on the Utah Bar website: https://www.utahbar.org/licensed-paralegal-practitioner/

New Mexico: New Mexico authorizes work group to consider limited legal technicians (May 2019): 
https://www.nmcourts.gov/uploads/FileLinks/a6efaf23676f4c45a95fdb3d71caea83/News_Release_Working_Group_to_Consider_Licensed_Legal_Technicians.pdf. The workgroup recommends further study, including tracking other states, on licensing non-lawyers to perform limited legal work. https://www.2civility.org/new-mexico-supreme-court-endorses-proposals-to-expand-civil-legal-services/


Oregon: The Oregon Supreme Court approved the proposed licensure program in July 2022, with implementation expected to start in July 2023. Oregon State Bar's Board of Governors voted to move forward with legal paraprofessionals in October 2019:  Legal paraprofessional were previously recommended in the Oregon State Bar Futures Task Force report of 2017 "to provide limited legal services, without attorney supervision, to self-represented litigants in (1) family law and (2) landlord-tenant proceedings."  

Arizona: Arizona created their "legal paraprofessional" program: https://www.azcourts.gov/cld/Legal-Paraprofessional


Minnesota: Minnesota's Supreme Court has established a legal paraprofessional pilot program in landlord tenant and family law areas to run from March 2021 through March 2024. https://www.mncourts.gov/Help-Topics/Legal-Paraprofessionals-Pilot-Project.aspx


Florida on hold 
The Special Committee to Improve the Delivery of Legal Services submitted its report to the Florida Supreme Court in June 2021, unanimously approving in concept a Limited Assistance Paralegal Pilot Program. In March 2022, the Florida Supreme Court submitted a letter to the executive director of the Florida Bar explaining that it does not intend to adopt the committee’s recommendations. https://iaals.du.edu/projects/allied-legal-professionals?state=FL


California on hold

2022: California legislature putting a hold on moving forward with this and other reforms for two years.

Prior: The California paraprofessional proposal was crafted by the state bar’s working group and released for comments in late September 2021, with comments due in January 2022.

The paraprofessionals would have to meet eligibility, educational and experiential training requirements; pass practice area-specific exams; and receive a positive moral character determination before securing a license. To be eligible to apply for licensure, a paraprofessional would need to have obtained a JD or an LLM, or be a qualified paralegal or legal document assistant as defined by state law.

The first eligible practice areas would be family, housing and collateral criminal matters. 


Washington state: The Washington Supreme Court recently decided to "sunset" their LLLT program due to the high cost to run it. Students currently studying to become LLLTs have until July 31, 2022, to complete their requirements. LLLTs who are already licensed can continue to work. https://www.abajournal.com/web/article/how-washingtons-limited-license-legal-technician-program-met-its-demise



Professor Susan Jaworowski, Paralegal program director