NOTE: It is not necessary to create an EBSCO eBooks account if you simply want to read ebooks in your browser through EBSCO's online viewer, or if you only want to download portions of the book.
You can download the EBSCO Mobile App and read ebooks on your phone or tablet device.
After opening the EBSCO App, use the Find My Library feature to sign in.
Watch the video below to learn more about downloading ebooks with the mobile app (3 min. 32 secs):
1. Choose to read the book (either in PDF or EPUB - whichever is available)
2. Click the download icon next to the chapter you would like to download
3. Select the page number(s) you need, or select the whole chapter
4. Exit the ebook interface when you are finished downloading.
The PDF should not expire, and can be read in any PDF viewer.
DDA allows our students, faculty, and staff to help the library determine what gets added to our collections. Titles which are placed on the library's DDA list, will appear in the library's catalog, and are accessible to anyone browsing. The library does not own these ebooks until a patron does one of the following:
After a title is triggered, it becomes part of the library's perpetual ebook collection.