Birth, Marriage, Death Records
Schools, Directories, & Church Histories
And more (tax, criminal, land, etc.)
Family Search
U.S. & selected International Census data
Heritage Quest Online
Database via Hawaiʻi State Public Library System
Includes U.S. Census data
Select Heritage Quest from the list that appears,
and login with HSPLS library card number.
Hawaiʻi Census Guide
from UH Mānoa Library
Detailed information on Hawaiʻi Census records (1830s+)
Census records can help you find: name of family members, ages, birthplace, residence, occupation, immigration and citizenship details, marriage information, and more.
Since 1900, Hawaiʻi has been included in the U.S. Census and these records are available in Ancestry Library. Prior to 1900, the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi also conducted censuses. Find more info on the earlier censuses and where their records are located via this UHM Research Guide on Hawaiʻi Censuses.
Census Search Tips from Ancestry Library
U.S. Federal Census Collection
Selected state census records
U.K. Census Collection
Canadian Census Collection
Australia Electoral Rolls, 1903-1980
New Zealand Electoral Rolls, 1853-1981
Enumeration sheets are the forms used by census enumerators to gather information from people. Information may include the following: the person's name, place of residence, sex, age, occupation, educational level, language spoken, country of origin.
For privacy reasons, the U.S. Census Bureau does not release enumeration sheets until 72 years after the census has been conducted. The most recent enumeration sheets available for Hawaiʻi are from the 1940 decennial census, released in 2012. Enumeration sheets from the 1950 decennial census are scheduled to be released in 2022.