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LING 150: Language in Hawaii and the Pacific


  • Check your assignment rubric to see what you need
  • Read the first and last lines of the relevant sections
  • Use the Table of Contents
  • Highlight sentences you understand or would use in your assignment
  • Use the Subject Index at the back of the book, if available
  • Take notes of the main points in your own words (it really helps you to understand)
  • Scan  bold headings to see the relevant sections



General Resources


  (1). Google Scholar (2-min video): Change the library links settings to connect to our scholarly journal articles. Example: language New Guinea

(2). Search smarter with Google (2-min video): For example:


(3). JSTOR has a good collection of research articles and book chapters.


(4). EBSCO Research Databases (2-min video) - some journal articles.




Polynesia: Hawaiian & Creole; Maori, Pitkern, Rapanui, Tahitian, Tongan, Samoan, Tuvalu

Melanesia: Arosi, Bislama, Fijian, Motu, New Caledonia, Papuan, Solomon Islands, Tok Pisin,Vanuatu,

Bishop, A. J. (1995). What we can learn from the counting systems research of Dr. Glendon Lean. Keynote address to the International Study Group for the Relations of History and Pedagogy of Mathematics, Cairns.

Bradshaw, J. (1993). Subject relationships within serial verb constructions in Numbami and Jabêm. Oceanic Linguistics, 133-161.

Bradshaw, J. (1997). The population kaleidoscope: Another factor in the Melanesian diversity v. Polynesian homogeneity debate. The Journal of the Polynesian Society106(3), 222-249.

Bradshaw, J. (1999). Null subjects, switch-reference, and serialization in Jabêm and Numbami. Oceanic Linguistics, 38(2), 270-296.

Bril, I. (2000). Postmodification and the structure of relatives in Nêlêmwa and other Kanak languages of New Caledonia. In SICOL Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Oceanic Linguistics: Vol. 2, Historical and descriptive studies. Pacific Linguistics.

Camden, W. (1979). Parallels in structure and lexicon and syntax between New Hebrides Bislama and the South Santo language spoken at Tangoa. In Papers in Pidgin and Creole Linguistics no. 2. Pacific Linguistics.

Dutton, T. E., & Voorhoeve, C. L. (1974). Beginning hiri Motu. Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University.

Dutton, T. (1982). Towards a history of the hiri: Some beginning linguistic observations. The Hiri in History: Further aspects of long distance Motu trade in Central Papua, (8), 65-98.

Dutton, T. E., & Brown, H. A. (1977). Hiri Motu: The language itself. In New Guinea area languages and language study (pp. 759-793). Pacific Linguistics.

Mosel, U. (1980). Tolai and Tok Pisin: The influence of the substratum on the development of New Guinea Pidgin. Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University.

Owens, K. (2001). The work of Glendon Lean on the counting systems of Papua New Guinea and Oceania. Mathematics Education Research Journal13(1), 47-71.

Wurm, S. A. (1986). Grammatical decay in Papuan languages. In Papers in New Guinea Linguistics No. 24, 207-211. Pacific Linguistics.

Micronesia: Chamorroo, Chuukese, FSM, Kiribati, Kosraean, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Northern Marianas, Palauan, Pohnpeian, Ulithian

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