Here are some websites with resources that may help with your research. If you decide to use other websites you find online, you can follow the steps outlined in Evaluating Unknown Websites Found Online on this page to help you. As always, feel free to ask a librarian for help as well!
The CRAAP TEST was developed in 2010 by the Meriam Library of California State University, Chico to help students evaluate websites. Anyone can post anything online, so it's important to make sure you are looking at websites you feel you can trust. You can think of The CRAAP Test as a checklist that can be applied to resources found online to help evaluate them. Watch this short video created by Western University, which talks about applying the CRAAP Test.
Evaluating Sources, (2 min. 16 secs).
For your reference this handy infographic explains what each of the letters in The C-R-A-A-P Test stand for, and can help you remember what to analyze when considering a resource for a class assignment.
Lateral reading is a recommended technique to use in addition to the CRAAP Test. Lateral reading encourages you to open new tabs, and start searching for information outside of the current site you're evaluating, in order to analyze how credible the original site is. Watch the video below to learn about using lateral reading to evaluate resources.
Lateral Reading (3 min. 05 secs.)
Google Scholar is a great resource where you can find journal articles, books, reports, case law, patents, and dissertations.
Watch the video below for information on how to search in Google Scholar.
Lama Library. (2020, Oct 27). Google Scholar basics. (2 min. 20 sec.).