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Faculty Information Literacy Award

Authority is Constructed and Contextual

  • Media Bias: Compare and contrast three articles on the same current event from three news sources that reside on different sides of a media bias chart (e.g., this one by Ad FontesMedia). (Lesson
  • Wikipedia: Analyze a Wikipedia article on a controversial topic, especially examining the discussions happening in the “talk page.” (Lesson). Supplement with readings and discussions about Wikipedia’s lack of author diversity.( Lesson)
  • Evaluating “scholarly” resources: Review sources that may appear scholarly or credible, and sort them into three piles: 1) can always cite; 2) needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis; 3) never cite. (Lesson)
  • Algorithmic bias: Critically evaluate results in Google Images (“professor style,” “computer scientist”) and Google Autocomplete (“climate change is,” “artists are,” “interracial couples are”), and discuss how it relates to imposter syndrome. (Lesson)
  • Indigenous ways of knowing:  Discuss how Western markers of authority may differ from indignous authority, and how indigenous voices may be excluded from Western methods of information production. 
  • Highlighting injustice through primary sources: Compare historical primary sources featuring differing views on a topic (e.g., Chinese immigration to the US). Answer questions about the impact of each source: Who has the loudest voice? Whose voice is missing? How might we seek to understand the missing perspectives? 
  • Source evaluation using SIFT: Rather than using a checklist-style evaluation such as CRAAP, evaluate sources using the SIFT method: Stop; Investigate the source; Find better coverage; Trace claims, quotes, and media to the original context. (Lesson)
  • Misinformation
    • Data visualization: Explore ways that data can be accidentally or intentionally distorted. (virtual exhibit)
    • Deepfakes: Discuss the impact that deepfakes can have on society. Learn techniques to spot fake faces, and take a test
    • Types of misinformation: Look at examples of different types of misinformation, such as disinformation, gaslighting, propaganda, satire, etc. (Lexicon and lesson) (or a simpler chart)
    • More tools:

Information Creation as Process

  • Information formats: Discuss the differences in tweets, blog entries, Wikipedia articles, news articles, scholarly articles, and scholarly books in regards to ease, time, research, editing, and length. (Lesson)
  • Scholarly article autopsy: Examine a scholarly article in depth and compare it to a non-scholarly article on the same topic. (Lesson)

Information Has Value

  • Tracking the trackers: Discuss who tracks your web activity, how they benefit from your data, and how to implement privacy practices. Supplement with a digital shred workshop. (Lesson)
  • Presidencies and the EPA website: Use tools such as Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine to examine how different presidencies treated the topic of climate change on the EPA website. Discuss how the different treatments of climate change impacts scientists. (Lesson)
  • Intellectual property and art: Learn about and discuss the controversy and ethical issues surrounding artist Richard Prince’s work. (Lesson) Supplement with a discussion about remix culture and fair use.
  • Citation styles: Compare the APA and MLA citation styles and discuss possible reasons for the differences.

Research as Inquiry

  • Mapping research ideas: Create a mind map starting with a topic of interest, then generating questions based on the topic, then generating further questions based on the questions. (Video)
  • Research topic refinement: Crowdsource research questions and keywords related to a topic though a method similar to speed dating. (Lesson)
  • KWHL Chart: Use a graphic organizer to recall prior knowledge about a research topic, generate questions, brainstorm where to find information, and record findings. (Lesson)
  • Literature review: Create a literature review on a selected topic. (Lesson)
  • Explore census data for different areas of Oʻahu, such as income, educational attainment, population, age, employment, etc.
  • Reflect on a reading: After reading a text, list three interesting moments, two confusing moments, and one question. (Lesson)
  • Primary vs secondary vs tertiary: Sort a dozen sources into three categories: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Discuss the benefits and limitations of using each source.
  • Source usage using BEAM: Examine how sources are used in an example work using the BEAM Method: Background; Exhibit, Argument; Method. Indicate how sources are being used in one’s own essay. (Diagram)

Scholarship as Conversation

  • A work in context: Place an influential piece of work in its intellectual and historical context. Explore major beliefs at the time of its publication, and the impact it has made in its discipline or popular understanding.
  • Understanding the conversation: Conduct research to learn about various perspectives on a topic before writing an argumentative essay.
  • Citation trails: Follow citation trails to better understand how writers build upon previous works. (Lesson)

Searching as strategic exploration

  • Overcoming failed searches: Examine failed search results to determine why it happened and how to generate better search results. (Lesson)
  • Who has the information: Rather than just go straight to Google, brainstorm which people, groups, or organizations might produce the answer to research questions.
  • Keywords: Brainstorm a list of possible keywords to use when searching for an answer to a research question.