
Kapiʻolani CC Library Spotlight

Strengthen your mind, body and chops with these 4 databases

~[394]~ Nicholas Wong ~[395]~ 2020-04-20T08:17:00-10:00 ~[408]~ Exercise & Sport Science (ESS), STEM, Theatre (THEA) | 0 ~[396]~

Physiology, Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Sports and Exercise

Wishing you had a place to learn how to improve the athletic ability and performance of yourself, your client, or your team, before, during and after competing? 

How do you train, fuel, and heal to meet your specific goals?

Human Kinetics Library offers a variety of e-books and videos focused on improving athletic performance. Whether you are looking to improve upon a specific sport (e.g. basketball), increase mental or physical strength, rehabilitate an injury, or even learn how to compete as you age, these skills and more can be found here. 

Searchable by sport/activity or topic this database is currently available now through July 5



Looking for Books?

Need a book from one of the University of Hawaii’s libraries but don’t want to go out? 

Try checking HathiTrust Digital Library before masking up. 

If a book is currently offered in one of UH’s libraries and is available in the HathiTrust Digital Library, you can access the item you want for a one-hour period. (You can renew the item for another hour as long as no one else is waiting to use it.) 

Items can be viewed via scanned e-book, .pdf or text-only. Items can also be downloaded by page, group of pages, or as an entire book depending on its copyright status. 

Available now until May 31. 


We were somewhere in April one month into being locked down when the fear began to take hold. I remember saying something like "I still haven’t gotten a monologue; I wish the library was still open...” And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us like a dial-up modem and the sky was full of play bills and scripts like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, which was going about a hundred miles an hour with the top down to Kaimuki.

Ideal for students in the THEA 221 (Intro to Acting) and various ART classes focused on animation and film, Screen Studies and Drama Online offers students the ability to access monologues, playbills, screenplays, film and theater criticism, and audio recordings. Both databases are searchable by name of work, actor, and genre.  

Both databases are available now through July 5.




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