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ENG 272G - Symbols: Finding Resources

A sample of resources on symbols and branding.

How does this work?

1.  Select a title.

2.  If it's a physical book, check the holdings information to make sure it's not checked out.

3.  If it's available, text or write down the call number and location.  You'll need it to find the book on the library shelves.

4.  Locate the book on the shelves.  To borrow, take it to the Circulation Desk.

Need more than books?

Check out other library such as:

Google Scholar - find academic journal articles and books. (video: How to use Google Scholar)

EBSCOhost Research Databases - find articles from journals, magazines, newspapers.  Examples below:

Films on Demand - find streaming video.  Examples below:

JSTOR - find articles, especially historical issues. Need Hawaii State Public Library card.

Symbols (books)

Books at Other UH Libraries

To get books from other UH Libraries:

  1. Go to that library in person, or
  2. Log in to your library account, and select "Get This Title" in the library catalog to have books sent to Kapiʻolani CC.